
''Let There be Love''

The Idea of Happiness — January 31, 2021

The Idea of Happiness

1. Not to let those fools rule over you ever.

2. Be with what you have, not what you might have had.

3. Listen to those who tell you long live, not to those bastard who always try to show that you going to die next.

4. Do remember neither on facebook nor on twitter or any social media, is none going to make you know what you need to know but they’re hell-bent to make you know what they want you to know.

5. Remember only few among family or friends can see you on new heights, others would only drag you into a new bottom.

6. Always talk to your younger one you consider they are yours. If you haven’t such, make one.

7. Not pretend like nothing happened when it really happens. Instead accept that and promise to self that that shit will not happen in future again.

8. Your God is only your family and that friend you suppose they are before family.

9. Never forgo that relationship that you know you can’t.

10. Relationship is most beautiful things ever happened in our life so always be in relation. Be it girlfriend, be it family, be it friends, or even be it enemy. And yeah you better know at what extend that goes up.